Don't Enter 2022 with 2021's Karma!

Don't Enter 2022 with 2021's Karma!

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Originally Recorded: Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Don't Enter 2022 with 2021's Karma!

A thorough researching and clearing of all "bad karma" you have accidentally created in 2021
by reacting to life through fear, worry, anxiety, and by the projection of your insecurities and inner negativity.
You don't want to take that with you into the new year!

Many people think "karma" is just a past-life or ancestral thing, and that once we eventually clear that, we are home free.

But karma is always being created, even right now in our present life.

As we get more conscious, we often create good karma that will benefit us and others, and will serve the Higher Purpose of our soul.

However, when we are reacting to life circumstances through fear, worry, anxiety, and by projecting our own insecurities and inner negativity, we are actually creating more "bad karma".

That bad karma will reverberate throughout our inner consciousness, and will externalize into our life circumstances as blocks, limitations, and "bad luck", money blocks, problems with creation and attraction -- until or unless we clear it.

That bad karma will ripple out throughout our energy field, making it harder to create a positive experience of life, harder to live our soul's purpose, harder to rise up from our individual and collective "story" to manifest and attract that which is truly blesses us and others.

In this clearing, we are going to specifically research and clear the bad karma you have accidentally created during 2021, so that your soul can be free of it, and you won't carry it with you into the new year.

The process of performing this clearing has not been pre-determined by me, but will vary depending on who signs up for it.

During this clearing, I am going to tune into each person's Higher Intelligence and combine that with my vast repertoire of clearing tools and techniques, so that you can leave 2021 without taking this year's discordant karma with you. In fact, by resolving and clearing your 2021 karma, you will enter 2022 with more power, wisdom, and inner wholeness, so that you can create most positivity in the new year for yourself and others.

The 1 Date Per Year When Vishnu Gives You Access to His Celestial Abode, Absolves Sins, and Grants Spiritual Liberation

The date chosen for this clearing is also significant, because in the Vedic Tradition, it is known as "Vaikunta Ekadashi". This is a once-per-year sacred opportunity to connect with the preserver and sustainer Divine Archetype known as Vishnu, whose Divine Consciousness represents the ability for us to access the inner cause of all abundance and prosperity.

Remember that the Divine Archetypes are a part of you, no matter your cultural or religious background. When we connect with them at their "peak times" of the year, using high-energy remedies and ritual techniques developed over hundreds or thousands of years, what we are actually doing is "enlivening" the Divine Energy within our own consciousness, so that we can manifest, heal, and see life as the Divine does.

I feel personally guided to honor this sacred window of time each year, and to share this opportunity with you. No particular religious beliefs are required.

According to tradition, this is the one day per year in which Vishnu gives us access to his celestial abode, the "heavens" that cause all prosperity to manifest into form.

It is said that anyone who observes this day, Vishnu grants the power to absolve even the greatest karma. And also, to anyone who observes this day, Vishnu gives wealth, the ability to accomplish your Divine Destiny, and moksha (spiritual liberation).

So we will be using several dozens Vishnu activation techniques that will help clear your karma further, and will help lift your consciousness into a fully realization of Vishnu Consciousness, which, when it is alive and active within you, will produce all of these beautiful results.