Friday, January 24, 2025, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Clear "Being/Feeling Unwanted at Birth"

Friday, January 24, 2025: Clear "Being Unwanted at Birth"
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Many of us can resonate with this topic, even if we had outwardly loving parents. Despite what our parents said, or how they may have acted to us, perhaps all parents have experienced questioning whether having children is a good idea.

Even if these are "only" thoughts in our parents' heads, it can impact the children substantially, potentially restricting all areas of life even into adulthood.

The often unspoken fears our parents had can get projected onto us -- fears of being bad parents, fears of children messing up their lives, unplanned pregnancy, fears of not having enough money and time, fears of being required to do work they don't love so they can take care of a new child.

But beyond all of this, we have had thousands -- perhaps hundreds of thousands -- of previous births, and we also have inherited the unresolved karma of our ancestors. So we are dealing with a lot.

Can we change our parents' energies and mindsets now? Well, not necessarily.

But we can change how our soul and subconscious are still reacting to and offering unresolved defensive energy around the thoughts and actions of our parents and ancestors. If our soul is still reacting to being unwanted, it will continue to project that limited reality into creating your life now. We need to do clearing work to get that old stuff to release.

In this clearing, over 2000 of your personal lifetimes and lifetimes whose energy you've inherited from your ancestors -- per person! -- will be included.

Being unwanted at birth registers as a form of abuse at the soul level, and on average, people reading this are running hundreds of millions of such soul programs. It can liberate every area of life just to have this stuff cleared.

Friday, January 31, 2025, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Clearing for Feeling Safe in the Physical World & Physical Body:

Clear the Deep Subconscious Fears & Resistance You Had Prior to Incarnating

This clearing will cover your incarnational process in this life, but also 900 past lives, 300 in-between life planning sessions, & the karma you've inherited from 900 generations of your ancestors

We all choose to come into the physical world.  We choose over and over again, throughout many lifetimes.

However, this doesn't mean the process of choosing is easy.  Just like with everything in life, we can have all kinds of fears, judgments, memories, and future projections.

Coming down into a physical body, and then going back from the physical world into the non-physical realm of Spirit can be traumatic, especially when we know the soul does this countless times over the course of eons of its history.

Your soul remembers your history, whether that remembrance is conscious to you or not.

The energy that is attached to these memories operates in your subconscious, creating greater ease or greater blocks in your daily life.

This trauma is important to clear for its own sake, for the evolution and freeing of our soul's consciousness, and the easing of our process of incarnation.

However, the impact this "incarnational trauma" can have on other aspects of our lives can be dramatic.  The unresolved energy from our incarnational process can dictate how safe we feel in the physical body and the physical world.

And this sense of safety is what can make or break our ability to heal our bodies and our lives, or to step out and manifest our soul's purpose.

Do you really, honestly, and truly feel absolutely safe to be yourself, be fully in your body, be fully here on Earth, right here and right now?  Take some time to really contemplate that.

From our sense of safety -- or lack thereof -- everything else in our life manifests.  If we are unable to reconnect to an inner sense of safety, no matter what else we do, we may not be able to see the positive results of healing, health, and positive attraction and manifestation ever manifest.

So we are taking this entire particular clearing to address this issues through a myriad of facets, delving into your subconscious programming established in this life, between lifetimes, in past lives, and inherited from your ancestral lineages.

We are going to open your subconscious and akashic fields, and open the lineage fields that connect you to your ancestors, and we are systematically going to clear the following issues:

  1. i don't want to incarnate

  2. all of the reasons, known and unknown, received and created, why I don't want to incarnate

  3. why am I doing this "reincarnation" anyway?

  4. a feeling of being forced or pressured to incarnate

  5. the physical world isn't safe

  6. my physical body isn't safe

  7. i don't want to leave "paradise" and all my awareness, connections, and abilities I have in Spirit

  8. contracts, vows, promises, and unresolved relationship karma to stay with others in the non-physical

  9. if I incarnate, I'll get hurt

  10. programming and plans I created or agreed to between lifetimes

  11. what guidance from me spiritual teams did I accept, reject, change, and how is that affecting me now?

  12. if I incarnate, I will definitely be leaving the heavenly realm and the realm of Spirit

  13. in physical incarnation, the damage I may experience will hurt my soul

  14. i am resisting my own birth -- my parents, my time and place of birth, etc.

  15. i don't know what to expect in the incarnational process, and that lack of understanding puts me at risk

  16. my relationships and experiences on Earth, in this life, in my past lives, and in my ancestral lineages, confirms the lack of safety and support I knew I would experience

  17. self-referential and self-fulfilling prophecies and confirmation bias

  18. my physical body will not be able to contain or reflect my true divine consciousness

  19. hurt to the physical body will destroy my awareness of and connection to my Higher Self and True Spiritual Nature

  20. other people can and will harm and destroy my spiritual connection

  21. the world of "effects" now is in control, and the world of "cause" (aka, "spirit") will no longer be important or powerful in the physical domain

  22. received and inherited trauma from my lineages, biological, cultural, and spiritual

  23. "descending" into awareness of and identification with primarily the physical senses

  24. forgetting my true spiritual nature - and the true nature of Reality

  25. the "fall of man", fall of spiritual consciousness, perceived separation and condemnation from Spirit

  26. religious programming and false identification: this single physical body and life is all there is

  27. religious programming and false identification: you only get one shot, and you better get it right, "or else"

  28. religious programming and false identification: there is only one "right path"

  29. fear of hell, eternal punishment, and separation

  30. belief that "i can definitely get it wrong here on Earth", and I will likely be punished by eternal separation from Spirit for doing so

  31. all trauma associated with the incarnational process

  32. the desire for incarnation, and for "experience"

  33. problems with selecting the physical body/vehicle

  34. problems with selecting the parents / lineage / family

  35. there will be no way back to Spirit if I incarnate / I will never find my way home

  36. soul's purpose blocks, fears, and inherited programs

  37. clearing based on the primary soul's purpose movement -- Self-Realization

  38. clearing based on the secondary soul's purpose movement -- unique purpose identification, development, and service to others

  39. how will I get "out of" this physical body once I have it? (fears)

  40. death memories from past lives, societal expectation and projection, and from ancestral lineages: I am going to have to get sick in order to die

  41. blocks to healing, based on releasing incarnational trauma

  42. blocks to manifesting, based on releasing incarnational trauma

  43. blocks to relationship, based on releasing incarnational trauma

Monthly Subscription Option!  Subscribe and Save

Automatically be included in every group clearing from now on!  You can also include your family.

New Bonus! When you sign up for a monthly subscription, I will send you a coupon code that will give you 25% of any individual clearing sessions with me you may have during your subscription!

This type of deep karmic clearing work is progressive, and unfolds gradually over time as your soul continues to bring up old programming into the present for resolution.  So it is very important to keep doing this work regularly in order to keep resolving past-life energy as it arises, and to resolve new karma you may accidentally create in the present.

Remember, you are not just doing this work in order to fix a current problem -- you are doing it in order to be totally spiritual free.  And you can only achieve that by resolving all your karma.

In order to encourage you to keep doing this work, I have created a discounted subscription program.  You can include just yourself in all future group clearings (right now, there are 4 per month), or you can include yourself and up to 4 additional members of your family in all upcoming clearings.

Your family members do not have to be consciously aware this work is happening.  This work will not be forced upon them in any way, but will be offered to their Higher Self much in the same way prayers can be offered to others without having to have their conscious permission.

This monthly program is the best way for you and your family to stay connect to this work and to gradually resolve all of your past karma.

Once you sign up, I will send you a confirmation email, then will automatically include you in all group clearings, emailing you the recordings within 24 hours after each one is completed.

Your subscription begins on the day you sign up, not necessarily on the first on the month.

Please note — Subscription is Intended for Ongoing Work Over At Least Several Months:

I recommend planning to sign up for a minimum of 3 consecutive months, so you can really begin to see results, though many people participating ongoingly for years. Please do not use this program for a discount on a single month’s worth of clearings. This is a subscription. Please have the intention that you are going to participate for several months minimally. That’s where the benefits really start to happen. You can cancel at any time.

To Subscribe Using a Credit Card, Please Click the "Subscribe" Button:




To Subscribe Using Paypal, Please Fill Out This Form:

Your Name:
4 Family Names (if applicable)

My Monthly Group Clearing Program

Clearings 4 times per month (at this moment) for you and your family

Welcome to my group clearing page, where each month I offer opportunities for you & your family to progressively release & resolve limiting subconscious blocks from this and past lives, so you can experience more of the flow of living in co-creative freedom with Spirit.

We each have had thousands of past lives where we have accumulated limiting soul programs. Those programs come to the surface regularly as limitations & challenges of all kinds.

Regular karma clearing work is essential for your growth, evolution, & freedom.

Please start by watching the video to the right.

Then scroll down  (or up) for more information and signup details about my upcoming group clearings.