Friday, March 14, 2025 (starting at 3pm New York Time)

Clear Future Money Problems Before They Start
(and the Spiritual Roots of Current Money Problems--
So They Won't Continue to Intensify)

Your soul is creating your destiny right now, whether you're aware of it or not -- and whether you like that destiny or not.

Your soul is creating based on your consciousness -- yes, your conscious thinking and feeling, but more importantly, your subconscious, which contains all you haven't processed over thousands of lifetimes, and thousands of generations of your ancestors.

On a regular basis, we need to go in, and look at the specific "money trajectory" your soul is planning and out-picturing right now.

Is it what we want?

Is it solely focused on abundance, joy, and "all needs met", or does it contain millions of programs of "I deserve lack because I am not worthy"?

In this clearing, we are going to examine all counter-money programs you are currently running, and clear the unhealed energy in your subconscious from this life, past lives, and inherited from your ancestors.

You don't want to miss this essential regular course-correction!

Friday, March 21, 2025 (starting at 3pm New York Time)

Clear Why your Ancestors Are Blocking
Your Ability to Attract a Relationship

Romantic, Friendship, Clients, Customers, etc.

My guidance suggests that the vast majority of our problems in life start from unresolved energy we are inheriting from our ancestors. Upwards of 99% of our problems have causes in the ancestral realm.

Our ancestors aren't "cursing us" as such. They do not wish you to have problems. But their own unresolved issues are automatically passed down to you. That's the way energy works. It is inherited in our lineages.

I keep being reminded of the importance of regular, systematic ancestral karma clearing. It is vital and essential for all of us if we ever going to break free from the limitations that all of the generations before us have experienced.

Many people are trying to attract a relationship of some kind. For some, it's a romantic relationship. For others, it's a friendship. For some, it's attracting more clients and customers. We all need each other. The greatest fulfillment we will feel in life will always somehow involve connections we have to others.

Let's dive into this clearing together, and help heal your ancestors as you heal yourself. We will clear the energetic memory you are inheriting of your ancestors being alone, isolated, without the help and companionship they needed. We will clear your ancestors "dying alone", and how that highly-charged event has been passed down to you as a relationship block.

Friday, March 29, 2025 (starting at 3pm New York Time) (New Moon)

Clear "Taking on Stress from the Collective":
Special Body-Based Clearing for Relaxation

Friday, March 29, 2025: Clear "Taking on Stress from the Collective": Special Body-Based Clearing for Relaxation
from $25.00

This clearing title probably doesn't need much explanation.🙂

But you and I are sensitive people, or else we wouldn't be reading this. And we can easily be affected by collective stress, or stress from any particular individual -- or even any particular idea or thought-form! Worse yet, we may "take it on", which means we will tend to hold the energy in our bodies and other systems indefinitely, creating health problems for ourselves, and blocking every area of fulfillment and Divine Service in our lives.

I want to be clear that clearing stress from our bodies and energy fields doesn't mean that we stop caring and just become cold people. It also doesn't mean that we're "clearing away" having to becoming a healing influence for challenges in our life or in our part of the world. But the clearing work helps us to get back in touch with our own innate strength. It helps us cultivate resilience, and to empower ourselves to actually make a meaningful difference in our lives and for our world -- from a place of true power, not from a place of overwhelm, fear, and frustration.

So please join me for this most-needed experience of releasing what we're holding. We will also be clearing various vows and spiritual programs that sensitive people (like us!) tend to run that keep us taking on everyone's stuff.

Monthly Subscription Option!  Subscribe and Save

Automatically be included in every group clearing from now on!  You can also include your family.

New Bonus! When you sign up for a monthly subscription, I will send you a coupon code that will give you 25% of any individual clearing sessions with me you may have during your subscription!

This type of deep karmic clearing work is progressive, and unfolds gradually over time as your soul continues to bring up old programming into the present for resolution.  So it is very important to keep doing this work regularly in order to keep resolving past-life energy as it arises, and to resolve new karma you may accidentally create in the present.

Remember, you are not just doing this work in order to fix a current problem -- you are doing it in order to be totally spiritual free.  And you can only achieve that by resolving all your karma.

In order to encourage you to keep doing this work, I have created a discounted subscription program.  You can include just yourself in all future group clearings (right now, there are 4 per month), or you can include yourself and up to 4 additional members of your family in all upcoming clearings.

Your family members do not have to be consciously aware this work is happening.  This work will not be forced upon them in any way, but will be offered to their Higher Self much in the same way prayers can be offered to others without having to have their conscious permission.

This monthly program is the best way for you and your family to stay connect to this work and to gradually resolve all of your past karma.

Once you sign up, I will send you a confirmation email, then will automatically include you in all group clearings, emailing you the recordings within 24 hours after each one is completed.

Your subscription begins on the day you sign up, not necessarily on the first on the month.

Please note — Subscription is Intended for Ongoing Work Over At Least Several Months:

I recommend planning to sign up for a minimum of 3 consecutive months, so you can really begin to see results, though many people participating ongoingly for years. Please do not use this program for a discount on a single month’s worth of clearings. This is a subscription. Please have the intention that you are going to participate for several months minimally. That’s where the benefits really start to happen. You can cancel at any time.

To Subscribe Using a Credit Card, Please Click the "Subscribe" Button:




To Subscribe Using Paypal, Please Fill Out This Form:

Your Name:
4 Family Names (if applicable)

My Monthly Group Clearing Program

Clearings 4 times per month (at this moment) for you and your family

Welcome to my group clearing page, where each month I offer opportunities for you & your family to progressively release & resolve limiting subconscious blocks from this and past lives, so you can experience more of the flow of living in co-creative freedom with Spirit.

We each have had thousands of past lives where we have accumulated limiting soul programs. Those programs come to the surface regularly as limitations & challenges of all kinds.

Regular karma clearing work is essential for your growth, evolution, & freedom.

Please start by watching the video to the right.

Then scroll down  (or up) for more information and signup details about my upcoming group clearings.