Resolving & Clearing Spiritual Entity Attachment Issues

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Many people contact me because they are dealing with a non-physical energy of some kind that has attached into their field. Most everyone I've ever worked with has some level of non-physical energy attachment, sometimes millions of them.  I call these "blocks & interference".

These types of energies are not generally strongly malevolent or "evil", and are nothing to be feared. They can still be bothersome, contributing to blocked feelings of wellness, limiting mental and emotional clarity and peace, and restricting our capacity for authentic, integrated spiritual freedom.

Many people try smudging themselves with sage, visualizing white light, asking the angels to help them, or working with clearing practitioners whose approaches may be rather slipshod and limited in scope.  Sometimes these strategies help, but sometimes only for a time.

Remember that ultimately you do have sovereignty over your own energy field, and nothing can exist there without your permission. So why is it that entities are sometimes hard to clear for some people?

The major reasons why people have chronic entity issues

In my experience, the major reasons people have chronic entity issues that they cannot seem to easily clear include:

  • they have not sufficiently resolved & released their present-life and past-life repressed energies of anger, hatred, & living life from a sense that they are a victim
  • unfinished strong emotional business & trauma from this or past lives (or both)
  • losing power to old situations, relationships, intense challenges where there are still energetic "leaks" in your soul
  • habitually blaming self, others, & God for their troubles, blocks, & limitations
  • decisions, programs, contracts, vows taken consciously or unconsciously in this or past lives to take everything on yourself

This subconscious unprocessed energy is keeping them vulnerable, & attracting "like-minded" darker energies from the collective.

The person may also be inadvertently creating their own entities which spring forth from the strongly-emotionalized discordant projections of their own consciousness.  The common phrase "my inner demons" comes to mind here.

Entity issues are a symptom, not the primary issue

I look at entity issues as a symptom, not as the main problem.  People often think "if I could only get rid of these entities, I would feel much better", and this is true.  But the reason why someone has entities is because of suppressed unresolved emotional issues from this and past lives -- and the spiritual programs that have resulted from these --, and until those get healed, freedom from entities may not be entirely possible.

Attracting entities is just like attracting other people -- you always attract beings who mirror something about you.

Examples of strong emotions that may be running presently or in your subconscious that may leave you vulnerable to entities:

Blaming others, self, & God; anger, sense of victimization, fear, guilt, worry, self-depreciation, feeling unworthy/not good enough, resentment, jealousy, feeling disgusted, neediness, feeling trapped, head in the clouds, overly obsessed with "ascension", denial of darkness, avoidance of reality, everything's got to be perfect, controlling

Entity clearing requires individual work, and also conscious work

Entities are very easy to identify & clear for a skilled practitioner, and will be released within the first few minutes of a clearing session with me to the extent to which my client will energetically allow it.

If after a clearing, my client is still complaining about "the same entity issues" they had before, it's often because they are holding onto the entities energetically because of the strong bond they have to their past-life and present-life emotional woundedness.

In these cases, the client really needs to do more conscious work on themselves, including working with a skilled therapist, or some method to help them reveal, process, and express their unresolved emotional history.  Body-based work like Somatic Experiencing, Holotropic Breathwork, Yin Yoga, or other feeling-based (rather than merely mental) practices come to mind here.

Your commitment to your conscious evolution will guide your process

Ultimately, you can be free of entity issues, and even if they show up on occasion in the future, they will be very simple to release. If the issues are currently chronic, it will take spiritual clearing work of your subconscious and past-life history such as the kind I facilitate -- but equally as important, it will also take conscious emotional work, work on forgiveness, and letting yourself fully feel and process all that is pent-up within you.

There is no spiritual bypassing of our process.  Each one of us has to become fully present, engaged, and actively conscious of the fullness of who we are right here and right now, even as we work with Spirit to help us resolve our subconscious issues.

If you have been chronically giving your power away, living in victim consciousness, or holding onto old resentments and pain, it is important that you find a way to safely and gently allow your past pain to be revealed, felt, and released.

Ultimately, you must plug those energetic leaks within your own consciousness, let go, stand up for yourself, & reclaim integrity to your Authentic Divine Identity now.

If you are struggling with these types of issues, I highly recommend the strategies I present in the book I wrote, Grounded in the Light: the lightworker's guide to achieving balance & integration on the path of ascension, which you can get in physical or Kindle versions from Amazon by clicking here: