Clear the Debt Karma You've Inherited from your Father and from Your Paternal Lineage that is Creating Struggle and Limitation for You Now

Clear the Debt Karma You've Inherited from your Father and from Your Paternal Lineage that is Creating Struggle and Limitation for You Now


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Originally Recorded: Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Clear the Debt Karma You've Inherited from your Father
and from Your Paternal Lineage
that is Creating Struggle & Limitation for You Now



There is a special kind of debt karma you have inherited from your father and from hundreds of generations of your paternal lineage.

When your paternal ancestors die without fulfilling their unique soul’s purpose, their blocks get transferred into you, creating often major blocks to health, healing, financial abundance, success, and loving relationships.

Your paternal ancestors’ unfinished business, unresolved issues, unfulfilled longings and desires, and the karma created based on chronic life problems they had like not having enough food, water, love, and opportunities in life get passed down to you for your soul to resolve in this life.

Your paternal ancestors may have been struggling so much with basic survival that they never had the chance to ever start considering what their soul’s purpose was.

Debt karma is your soul's record of its unfinished business, of something unresolved and "owed".  Debt karma is about more than just finances.

The paternal debt karma you are dealing with now includes:

  • unfinished business and unresolved issues passed down to you through thousands of generations

  • unresolved relationship karma

  • blocks to knowing and using your Unique Divine Gifts

  • financial debt karma due to your ancestors not having enough money and spending beyond their means

  • your ancestors dying without fulfilling their Divine Purpose

No matter your financial situation presently, clearing debt karma can only benefit you, and make your life more prosperous, easier, more successful, & more fulfilling at every level.

Clearing debt karma can ease your burdens, allowing you to access inner peace, more coherent states of health, the power to manifest, and authentic experiences of relationship.

Clearing debt karma can release you from all kinds of inner blocks that presently make knowing and accomplishing your soul's purpose impossible.

In 2021, there are 6 peak astrological windows when the clearing of debt karma becomes possible to do very deeply.  These windows have to do with various auspicious phases of the moon aligning with Mars on different dates. 

These 6 windows occur in June, July, and November of 2021.

I have researched when these exact moments occur according to the Vedic Astrological Calendars, and there are exactly 6 peak opportunities for debt karma clearing happening this year, based on this assessment.

I have decided to focus each individual clearing date on a specific theme, but all connected by the theme of clearing debt karma from our soul and from our ancestral lineages.

Interestingly, in the Vedic tradition, the number "6" may be said to indicate an auspicious connection to the energy of Mars, and signifies a connection to the Divine Archetypes that clear debt karma. There is a sense of completeness in doing 6 dedicated debt karma clearings in 1 year.

I strongly urge you to consider participating in all 6. Be sure to include your families in the clearings.

Each clearing will have an special individual series of protocols I am culling from the rich tradition of debt karma clearing according to the planets, the Divine Archetypes, and the Vedic Tradition, all while using modern clearing strategies I have learned and also developed.

However, there will also be commonalities among all 6 clearings, including the performance of ancestral karma clearing removal processes, and a clearing of the "5 classic Vedic forms of Debt Karma". These processes we will use in all 6 clearings.

I have given a list of the dates, topics, and descriptions for each debt clearing, along with the precise timings when the auspicious windows will open.  You can sign up for them all at once, or one at a time.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021  | starting at 7:19 pm (New York Time)
Removing the Debt Karma You've Inherited from your Father and from Your Paternal Lineage

This date is a very rare astrological alignment called "Runa Vimochana Pradosham", literally meaning "the day that removes debts". This type of alignment only occurs 4 times in 2021. We will be doing debt karma clearing work on all of them.

  • There is a special kind of debt karma you have inherited that is particular to your father and your paternal lineage.  After the great success of our recent general paternal karma clearing, we are now going to focus on particular themes and issues found within that lineage, in this case, debt karma.  This clearing will help lift your debt burden, but will also positively affect your relationships, health, and your ability to accomplish your soul's purpose in this life.

During this clearing, we will perform for you:

  1. a clearing of your bad debt karma at an optimum astrological time for this work

  2. a clearing of blocks to lucrative opportunities appearing in your life

  3. we will invoke and do an extended karma clearing with "Runahara Ganapati", a unique form of Ganesha who can relieve all types of debts and can bestow prosperity.  "Runa" means debt, and "Hara" means to remove or destroy.  This activation and clearing can clear the karma of debts, spiritual or monetary

  4. we will energetically perform light and sound clearings to Runahara Ganapati at 3 vortexes to help bestow prosperity, health, wealth, and happiness blessings

  5. we will perform a Runahara Ganapati Debt-Removal Fire Ceremony (energetically), to relieve debts, destroy poverty, and help activate wealth and prosperity

  6. we will perform an energy "coconut breaking for increasing gains" sacred ceremony (also called Prarabdha Muttarukkal).  Prarabdha is the part of your past karma that you are destined to experience in your current life.  This clearing will remove blocks that stop you from benefitting from the positive aspects of your past karma

  7. a special debt-clearing activation to Shiva, while activating in your consciousness the sacred texts "Laghunyasam Rudra Prasanam" (which means "the great purification)", and the Chamaka Prasnam.  These are the classic sacred texts for purification, used as we enter a debt-clearing space

  8. an activation and clearing with the Divine Archetype Narasimha, whose energy detroys debts

  9. an activation and clearing of the 300 sacred mantras of Archetype Rudra.  Just performing this part of the clearing alone is said to destroy the most terrible karma of debt

  10. a group realization and activation of the 108 sacred mantras of Shiva, the debt-clearing god

  11. a special activation and clearing for Mars.  Mars is the planet responsible for your debt karma.  That fact is one reason we're doing this clearing on a Tuesday (Mars' day!)

  12. an activation and clearing at the 10,008 level of the most powerful karma-clearing mantra "Thiru Neela Kantam", whose energy invokes the karma-clearing power of Shiva to detroy karma and relive old repetitive negative patterns of debt-creation

  13. we will spend time in a bi-location clearing and activation experience at a specific thousand-year-old energy vortex called "Runa Vimochana Lingeshwarar".  The specific expressed intention of this temple vortex is to clear the debts of every human who is born in this world.  Classically, working with this temple is said to give immense relief from debts.

  14. we will also spend time in a bi-location clearing and activation in another thousand-year-old vortex at the Thiyagaraja Swami Temple in Tiruvarur.  Classically, the vortexes of this temple are said to give immense relief from illnesses and relief from debts

(Don't underestimate the power of directly working with these energy vortexes, even though we won't be physically traveling there!  These spaces anchor tremendous spiritual energy that is available to each of us if we connect to it.)

In this clearing, we are going to clear the “5 Classic Vedic Forms of Debt Karma” that you’ve inherited from your paternal ancestors:

  1. a clearing of your debts to God and to inanimate nature (Deva Runa) -- imbalances and blocked energy in your relationship to your life purpose (in this and other lifetimes), and karmic blocks in your use of your physical body and the physical world itself

  2. a clearing of your debts to other living things such as plants and animals (Bhuta Runa).  There is karma created whenever we use planets or animals for food, or when we impact them for commercial purposes

  3. a clearing of your debts to teachers and gurus (Rishi Runa), especially when we have rejected authentic teaching and healing, or misused our divine gifts

  4. a clearing of your debts due to parents and ancestors (Pitru Runa), both in your relationship to them, and in terms of the unresolved karma they have left you through your lineage

  5. a clearing of debts due to other humans in society (Manushya Runa), people you interact with through occupations and services, business, etc.

The goals of this paternal debt karma clearing include:

  • clearing financial debts

  • overcoming money-related problems

  • clearing the debts of your ancestors

  • bringing you wealth, prosperity, and luck

  • helping you enjoy happiness and success in all your activities

  • remove all kinds of debts

  • destroy poverty

  • help you gain wealth

  • bestow abundance and happiness

  • help overcome worldly bondages