15-Day Ancestral Karma Clearing Intensive 2023 (Mahalaya, aka "Pitru Paksha" 2023)


15-Day Ancestral Karma Clearing Intensive 2023 (Mahalaya, aka "Pitru Paksha" 2023)

Sale Price:$75.00 Original Price:$100.00
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Originally Recorded: September 29 - October 13, 2023

The Most Important 2-Week Period of the Year to Clear Inherited Ancestral & Family Karma:

15-Day Ancestral Karma Clearing Intensive "Mahalaya" 2022

Correct the Most Severe Karmic Affliction of the soul: Pitru Dosha (Ancestor Affliction)

Correct the Most Severe Karmic Affliction of the soul: Pitru Dosha (Ancestor Affliction)

“There is a gift-giving time from the ancestors to their descendants living on this earth plane. This two-week period is very critical for you, for everyone. Even the enlightened yogis and rishis wait for this time, which comes only once a year, to get blessings from their own ancestors.”  – Dr. Baskaran Pillai, enlightening master of the Tamil Siddha tradition

There are 2 major spiritual causes for all of our problems in life:

  1. Our personal unresolved karma, created throughout our soul's history, past lives, and in this life

  2. The inherited karma that is unresolved from our biological and spiritual ancestors and lineages, that we presently carry within us

You don't just inherit your biological genes.  You also inherit the karma of your ancestors.  That ancestral karma is seeking to be resolved and healed in your life, but if you don't recognize what it is, or know what to do about it, that ancestral karma can block you in every area, and ruin your life, despite your best efforts to avoid it.

You are not just your thoughts.  You are also the accumulation of the thoughts, energies, and emotions you still carry with you from your past lives.

But you're not just that either.  You also contain the accumulation of the thoughts, emotions, and unresolved experiences your ancestors and lineages have had for thousands of generations.

It is essential and deeply important work for you to pray for your ancestors, to actively work to help clear their karma, and to elevate their souls so they can attain spiritual liberation.  As long as we are on this planet, it is our duty to elevate the souls of our ancestors.  And we do that through regularly performing ancestral karma-clearing rituals.

This work isn't just theoretical -- and it doesn't just benefit the ancestors.  It directly and immediately benefits YOU as well!

You have to use the right techniques at the right time and in the right way to be able to access your ancestor karma, and to be able to clear it.

Doing chakra clearing, smudging, cord-cutting, reiki, or doing general aura cleansing will not help much with resolving ancestral karma.  Those practices are very good, but they only affect the immediate etheric body. You have to go much deeper, in the right way, using the right techniques, and at the right astrological timings.

The 2-week period starting on the full moon of September 29 and concluding with the new moon of October 13 (in 2023) is known in the Vedic Tradition as "Mahalaya Paksha" or "Pitru Paksha", meaning: the 2-week period in which you can heal and clear your ancestral lineages.

This period is the most significant and auspicious time of the year to do ancestral and family karma clearing, and to transform the blocks, curses, restrictions, and handed-me-down karma of your lineages into blessings, freedom, prosperity, health, and all forms of positive influence you can feel immediately.

Doing a single ancestor karma clearing here and there can help you, but doing ancestor karma clearing every day for 2 weeks during the most auspicious time of the year for this work, can make significant positive changes quickly and deeply.

This will be nothing short of life-changing for your ancestors -- and for you.

Ancestral karma clearing done every day for the 15 days of this precisely timed auspicious period is a traditional practice, first described and promoted in the most ancient holy text of the Vedic Tradition, the Rig Veda, written in 2000 BCE.  This practice has been done each year for more than 5000 years since.

Done with depth and with the right understanding of how to clear ancestral karma, even a single year of this process can be life transforming to you.

During this 2 weeks period, I will be performing an ancestral karma clearing every day for you and your ancestors, for a total of 15 clearings spanned over 15 days and 15 moon phases.  You may participate in some of them, or in all of them.  The more of them you do, the deeper and quicker will be your transformation.  Don't worry -- these clearings won't be as long as my clearings normally are, so you won't have to sit through 20-30 hours of clearing work! 🙂  

At first, this may seem like nebulous work that might only affect people in the distant past whom you never knew.  But nothing could be further from the truth! When you work to change the karma of your ancestors during the peak time of the year for doing this work, you will have immediate discernible positive effects in your own life.

The spiritual science of Soul Genetics says that we inherit not only our physical characteristics from our ancestors, but we inherit our emotional, mental, and spiritual qualities, as well as many of the blocks and challenges that our ancestors created or were unable to overcome in their lifetimes.

During these 15 clearings, your mindset will be upgraded, and your emotional body cleared.  Your power to heal and manifest will be supercharged.  You will have greater ability to know and accomplish your soul's purpose, because the energy that was once held as restriction, limitation, cursing, and blockage in your family lineages will now be transmuted into blessings.

Even the enlightened yogis and spiritual masters wait all year for this specific time to come, so they can transmute their own ancestral karma.  If you recognize that ancestral karma is a major source of your current suffering and affliction, it is essential for you to join these clearings.

How do you know if you are dealing with ancestral karma affliction?

Some of the signs that your ancestors are afflicted with unresolved karma, and are causing problems in your life include:

  • you have long-term, prolonged illnesses

  • you have home-life problems, including marital discord despite any efforts

  • you have lots of seeming "enemies", including legal cases

  • you are unable to make progress in career, despite your best efforts

  • you have chronic and long-term "bad luck" & being unnecessarily troubled in life

  • you are misunderstood by others, and the unique work of your life isn't recognized

  • you have an inability to truly understand and accomplish your soul's purpose

  • you have financial instability and insecurity

  • you have problems with your children

  • you have debts of all kinds, especially chronic and seemingly insurmountable debt for years

  • you experience long-term failure in many areas of life, no matter what you do to change it

  • you have the potential for early death due to accidents and serious diseases

  • no matter how much money you make, you continue to spend everything, not have enough, and get deeper into debt

Here are some of the benefits for performing ancestral karma clearing work during this critical highly-auspicious 15-day period of the year:

  • you can resolve every kind of problem and hardship you have in life

  • it's the greatest act you can do to satiate your ancestors, to resolve and transmute the energy of their own past-life sins, and to help them attain salvation & spiritual liberation (Moksha).  When your ancestors are liberated, you experience intense blessings.

  • helps free your children from problems created by inherited family karma

  • transforms and heals bad family karma, and turns it into blessings and spiritual support for fulfilling your most auspicious destiny

  • transforms your ancestors from beings holding you back into benefactors and your greatest support system

  • solves the roots, causes, and fundamental reasons for life problems related to money, health, relationship, & career

  • you can transform your chronic "bad luck" into good fortune, good luck, success, and the creation of ongoing positive synchronicities in life

  • you can clear the past-life karma of your ancestors who have committed the most difficult and "unforgivable" karma

  • you are ensuring your genetic line is "well fed", rich with positive energy to support you in every way

  • in the Vedic Tradition, you are correcting one of the most severe karmic afflictions, known as "Pitru Dosha", which means "ancestral affliction"

Today, I sat down and did some intuitive discernment work, asking my spiritual guidance, based on all people on Earth right now, what percentage, on average, each person's blocks to certain areas are based on ancestral blocks versus personal karma blocks.  Here is what I got:

On average right now, for people on Earth -- Blocks to Overall Success & Fulfillment in Life:

  • caused by your ancestors: 92%

  • caused by your personal karma: 8% 

On average right now, for people on Earth -- Blocks to Money, Prosperity, Abundance, and Sustainable Affluence:

  • caused by your ancestors: 92%

  • caused by your personal karma: 8% 

On average right now, for people on Earth -- Blocks to Health, Healing, Overall Well-Being, and Longevity:

  • caused by your ancestors: 99%

  • caused by your personal karma: 1% 

On average right now, for people on Earth -- Blocks to Harmonious Relationships & Aligned Relationship Attraction:

  • caused by your ancestors: 93%

  • caused by your personal karma: 7% 

We will be using the traditional clearing focal points, along with the traditional blessings and benefits, as our jumping-off point for each of these clearings:

September 29:

  • major issue we are clearing: unresolved karma from ancestors who died with unfulfilled wishes and low self-esteem

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: positive karma for wealth

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

September 30:

  • major issue we are clearing: unresolved karma from physically, mentally, and emotionally disabled ancestors and those who died of depression

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: increased ability to manifest good in your life

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 1:

  • major issue we are clearing: ancestors who married against their wishes, dysfunctional relationship karma, relationship trauma

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: improved lives for you and your children

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 2:   (Maha Bharani) (special day for invoking Ganesha's obstacle-removing power at the ancestral level):

  • performing ancestral clearings on Maha Bharani is especially significant for removing the ill-effects of you and your ancestors both not performing appropriate ancestral clearing work previously.  The Vedic star "Bharani" is said to be ruled by Yama, who is the god of death, and thus this date is of particular significance for doing ancestral clearing work.  Performing this work today especially helps souls who may have experienced untimely and unnatural death, and helps lead them towards spiritual liberation.

  • major issue we are clearing: unresolved karma from ancestors who died while being separated from their families, especially their mothers

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: removal of enemies & problems

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 3: 5th moon:

  • major issue we are clearing: resolving the karma from the food we consume, and all types of "digestible" experiences: emotions, thoughts, and traumas

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: all types of prosperity activated, opened, and enlivened within you

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 4: 6th moon:

  • major issue we are clearing: lineage karma from teachers, mentors, religious leaders, gurus, and those who have showed the path

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: clearing around personal identity, spiritual identity and giftedness, and "name and fame"

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 5: 7th moon:

  • major issue we are clearing: soulmates, soul buddies, soul family relationships, departed friends who have offered selfless help

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: leadership qualities

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 6: 8th moon (Madya Ashtami -- Important Day to Resolve Karmic Mistakes of All Kinds):

  • performing ancestral clearings on Madya Ashtami is especially significant for removing the ill-effects of you and your ancestors both not performing appropriate ancestral clearing work previously.  Performing this work today especially helps souls who may have experienced untimely and unnatural death, and helps lead them towards spiritual liberation.

  • major issue we are clearing: clearing unresolved relationship contracts, vows, and agreements to continue the bad karma of the ancestors

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: knowledge and wisdom

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 7: 9th moon:

  • major issue we are clearing: unresolved karma from ancestors who died in accidents, untimely death, or unnatural death

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: clearing and healing maternal karma, inherited from our mother's side

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 8: 10th moon:

  • major issue we are clearing: unresolved karma from miscarriages, abortions, and ancestors who died before the age of 5

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: fulfillment of all desires

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 9: 11th moon (Ekadasi, a Highly Auspicious Day for Wealth Creation):

  • major issue we are clearing: conversion of ancestral curses into ancestral blessings

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: knowledge and worldly intelligence, wealth activation

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 10: 12th moon:

  • major issue we are clearing: unresolved karma due to unexpressed grief of betrayal related to inheritance

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: victory for all endeavors and gains

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 11: 13th moon (Jupiter Pradosham: Peak Auspicious Opportunity to Let Your Soul Shine into Prosperity and True Happiness ):

  • major issue we are clearing: resolve bad acts committed against ancestors, and special resolving for in the lineage those who died of cancer

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: good progeny/descendants and longevity

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 12: 14th moon (A "mini Sivaratri" day -- very auspicious for deep karma clearing work):

  • major issue we are clearing: unresolved issues for those who died from weapons, particularly soldiers, and those who died in a place distant from their birthplace -- this clearing includes our pets, birds, and animals

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: bestows overall prosperity and abundance

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

October 13: 15th moon (New Moon, aka "Mahalaya Amavasya" -- the most important date of the 15 for doing ancestral clearing work):

  • major issue we are clearing: all ancestors, departed souls, family members, loved ones

  • major benefit of doing clearing work on this day: all around well-being

  • 75-vortex ancestral karma clearing ritual (tarpanam)

Performing ancestral karma clearing work, particularly during this critical highly-auspicious 15-day period of the year:

  • it's essential work so you can resolve every kind of problem and hardship you have in life

  • it's the greatest act you can do to satiate your ancestors, help them attain spiritual liberation (Moksha), and help free your children from problems created by negative ancestral influence

  • transforms and heals bad family karma, and turns it into blessings and spiritual support

  • transforms your ancestors from beings holding you back into your greatest support

  • can transform your chronic "bad luck" into good fortune, good luck, and the creation of positive synchronicities in life

  • can help liberate your ancestors who have committed the most difficult karma

  • you are ensuring your genetic line is "well fed", rich with positive energy to support you in every way

  • you are correcting one of the most severe karmic afflictions known as "Pitru Dosha", which means ancestral affliction